Handsfree TTi kit

TTi Handsfree Kit for CB TTi THF-100 K2 Radio Stations, with 6-pin microphone, PTT button and TOT function switch

PNI Echo 4 Echo Microphone

PNI Echo 4-pin echo microphone for CB radio station

6 pin PNI Echo echo microphone for CB radio station

Designed to work with any type of 6-pin station, the microphone echo will give you a better hearing and in addition you will be noticed in traffic. Give us the type of station, and we will adapt the microphone.   Can be adapted for any 6-pin radio station, regardless of brand, including Midland and TTi brands here
Availability: In stock

6-pin Echo microphone

The Echo PNI microphone has a 6-pin jack and by adapting (reconfiguring wires in the jack) it becomes compatible with any type of CB radio station, regardless of the brand. The echo of the microphone will provide a clearer sound and in addition you will be noticed in traffic.


PNI Echo 6 pini


PNI 6-pin microphone dimensions

Microfon cu ecou PNI Echo 6 pini

The PNI Echo microphone has small dimensions (88 x 65 x 35  mm), a feature that makes it easy to handle and place. The linear, simple design makes it a friendly and accessible object.

9V battery power supply

For operation, the Echo PNI microphone needs a 9V battery. The battery is not included.

microfon ecou pni


Video presentation

PNI Echo Microphone 6 Pin for CB Radio UK