Radio station CB President

Kit Radio CB President TAYLOR IV ASC + CB Antenna PNI ML70, length 70cm, 26-30MHz, 200W

President HARRISON CB radio station

Kit Radio CB President HARRISON II ASC + CB Antenna PNI ML70, length 70cm, 26-30MHz, 200W

President Johnson II ASC CB Radio Kit + PNI ML70 CB Antenna, length 70cm, 26-30MHz, 200W

President Johnson II ASC CB radio station and PNI ML70 CB antenna with 70 cm length included
Availability: Out of stock

TXMU667 - Radio station CB President Johnson II ASC 12V-24V with automatic squelch and front speaker



The generously sized LCD screen displays the majority of functions and indicators required for use under normal conditions. Among them we can list: the country standard, the number of the channel used, the functions to reduce the parasites that appear both during the transmission and when it is not being broadcast, the local or Hi Cut function. The lighting of both the display and the buttons is a common feature in the top range that helps the driver, especially at night. The S-meter also present on the LCD screen gives us information regarding the transmission/reception power of the CB radio station.


The radio station President Johnson II 12 / 24 V ASC complies with the legislation in force in Romania harmonized with European standards, having the maximum legal power allowed of 4 W.




CB radio station President Johnson II 12 / 24 V ASC corresponds to the latest European CB standards. As a unique option, the station has a switch for changing the modulation type, which will allow you to select the operating mode.


The station offers its users the ASQ function, automatic squelch, which lends itself to most reception situations. On FM mode in a certain free channel the noise can be annoying. With the Squelch function you can reduce this noise, but at the same time also the signals that are too weak to be received properly.




The CB President Johnson II 12 / 24 V ASC radio station can be mounted both on cars with 12V power supply and on trucks or TIRs with 24V power supply.

PNI-ML70 - PNI ML70 CB antenna, length 70cm, 26-30MHz, 200W, magnet 145 mm included

CB antenna PNI ML70 length 70cm and magnet

CB antenna performance PNI ML70

The performance of the product is closely related to the technical characteristics of the antenna in ideal conditions of installation and use: SWR <= 1.2, maximum applied power 200 W, impedance 50 Ohms, stainless steel, etc.

Communication distance

The communication distance is another decisive factor in the purchase and use of a CB antenna. Thus, the maximum communication distance of 9 km is achieved in ideal working conditions: calibrated antenna, open field without obstacles, the station with the legally permitted maximum power of 4W and with a standard reception. Any obstacle such as: hills, mountains, buildings, walls can reduce this distance.

range of action CB antenna PNI ML70 length 70cm and magnet

CB antenna PNI ML70 length 70cm and magnet

Antenna length

The length of the antenna is a very important factor that can influence the communication distance. Thus, the longer the antenna, the greater the range of action. The PNI ML70 antenna is 70 cm long (magnetic base included).

Magnetic base

The PNI 145/PL magnetic base in the package is provided with a 4 m cable, sufficient for placing the antenna on the dome, it has a diameter of 145 mm and a strong magnet that gives the antenna stability even at high speeds.

magnetic base DV CB antenna PNI ML70 length 70cm and magnet

CB antenna kit PNI ML70 length 70cm and magnet

Full package

This kit is ready for assembly with: antenna, magnetic base with cable and plug PL259, Allen key for calibration. All you have to do is mount the antenna on the magnetic base, connect it to a CB radio station and calibrate it to use it at maximum performance.

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TXMU667 - Radio station CB President Johnson II ASC 12V-24V with automatic squelch and front speaker

Product identification
Producer President
Product code TXMU667
General characteristics
Model Portable
Emission band type AM/FM
channels 40
Frequency 26.965 - 27.405 MHz
Microphone type (pins) 6 pins
Speaker audio power 3 W
Sensitivity (20dB SINAD) 0.5 mV – 113 dBm (AM / FM)
Audio signal distortion less than 3% @ 1KHz
Emission power 4 W
feeding 13.2 V / 24 V
Absorbed current 400 mA nominal / 1000 mA max
Dimensions (W x H x D / Weight) 52 x 170 x 150 mm / 1 kg
1DIN assembly Yes
Special features
Dual Watch Yes
Channel scan Yes
Emergency channels Yes
Noise filter NB (Noise Blanker) and ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter)
LOC-DX button Yes
and meter Yes
Rear panel connections
Additional speaker connection Yes
The package contains
Radio station Yes
Microphone Yes
Support and screws for holding the radio station Yes
Microphone support and screws Yes
Power cord Yes
User manual Yes

PNI-ML70 - PNI ML70 CB antenna, length 70cm, 26-30MHz, 200W, magnet 145 mm included

Product identification
Product code PNI-ML70
Work tape ? B
Product color (spike) Black
General characteristics
Working frequency 26 - 28 Mhz
Number of channels
Maximum power applied 200W
Minimum SWR in the center of the band less than 1.2
Length 70 cm (magnetic base included)
Impedance 50 Ohms
Material Stainless steel
Connector type PL
Hole diameter 16 mm
Cable length 4 m
Weight 800g
size 100 x 18 x 5 cm
I earn 4 dBi
Working distance 8 km
Operating temperature -26°C ~ +80°C
The package contains
Radio station antenna Yes
RG58 cable 4 m
Plug PL259 Yes
Magnetic base 145 mm

Lang Type Name Link
EU Declaration of Conformity Declaration of conformity EN Link
EU User manual Manual FR_EN_ES_DE Link
HU User manual Használati Útmutató HU Link
IT User manual Manuale utente IT Link
RO User manual Manual utilizare RO Link

Lang Type Name Link
EU10 Declaration of Conformity Declaration of conformity EU10 Link
EU10 User manual Datasheet EU10 Link