PNI Alinco VHF radio station

VHF radio station PNI Alinco DR-CS-10, 136-174MHz, 200 channels, DMTF, 13.8V

VHF/UHF PNI Alinco DR-MD-520E radio station

Radio station VHF/UHF PNI Alinco DR-MD-520E dual band 144-146MHz/430-440MHz, with GPS function, 4000 channels, analogue and digital

UHF radio station PNI Alinco DR-438-HE, 200CH, 400-470MHz, DTMF, Squelch, 13.8V, 1024DCS-50CTCSS

UHF radio station PNI Alinco DR-438-HE, 200CH, 400-470MHz, DTMF, Squelch, 13.8V, 1024DCS-50CTCSS
Availability: Out of stock
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You're reviewing:UHF radio station PNI Alinco DR-438-HE, 200CH, 400-470MHz, DTMF, Squelch, 13.8V, 1024DCS-50CTCSS
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Product identification
Product code PNI-DR-438HE
Scrambler Yes
Talk Around Yes
BCL (Busy Channel Lockout) Yes
Expedite Yes
Squelch Yes
Hi/Low power Yes
Key lock Yes
Compander Yes
General characteristics
Frequency 400 - 470 MHz
Operating lane UHF
Programmable channels 200 channels
Security codes 1024 DCS / 50 CTCSS
Step frequency 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 KHz
feeding 13.8 Vdc
Operating temperature -20 to +60 degrees C
Weight 1.23 kg
size 135 X 170 X 40 mm
LCD screen Yes
The package contains
UHF radio station Yes
Microphone Yes
Power cable Yes
Mounting supports Yes
User manual Yes

Lang Type Name Link
EN Declaration of Conformity Declaration of Conformity Link
EN User manual User manual Link